Children with bicycles, possibly at a Beth Israel parade, Vancouver, 1970. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.09774)
If you know someone in the photo above or any of those below, please help the JI fill the gaps of its predecessor’s (the Jewish Western Bulletin’s) collection at the Jewish Museum and Archives of B.C. by contacting [email protected].
Group of men on an outdoor patio, Vancouver, Aug. 30, 1979. Morris Wosk is standing, fifth from the left, and Joe Cohen is seated in the centre. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.14739)Women holding the banner “Welcome, Women’s Mission, United Israel Appeal of Canada,” Vancouver, March 26, 1975. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.15296)Men alongside a Canadian Pacific aircraft with Karl Silberman, special representative for projects, Keren Hayesod, 1968. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.15161)ORT fashion show: Dianne Faber (extreme right), Leta Jones (third from the right), Vancouver, May 30, 1985. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.14068)Centenary presentation at Schara Tzedeck, Vancouver, circa 1955. Jack Diamond is second from the left. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.14275)Women at poolside table, Vancouver, 1980. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.14058)“Good old days” revived at B’nai B’rith picnic, 1972. (JWB fonds; JMABC L.09560)