
October 29, 2004
The world needs to hear
Editor: In reference to the cover articles by Pat Johnson in the
Oct. 22 Bulletin ("Apartheid comparison fails"
and "PA media urge genocide"), I am very impressed by
the clear explanation of what is really being propagated for the
Palestinian youth and how it is really affecting any possibility
of achieving peace in the Middle East.
If I had not been receiving the Bulletin, I would not have
as clear a picture of the impact of the clergy in Palestine and
of the emotional outcome, as well as the rest of the propaganda.
I ask this question: What are we afraid of? What more can anybody
do to us as a people struggling for survival. Why cannot my non-Jewish
neighbors and friends read this same message in the local newspapers?
We have to be heard. I'm fed up with hiding. Let the world hear
what is really going on. I'm a retired language teacher and a psychotherapist.
Please listen.
Freda Clark