October 25, 2002
Double check plots
Editor: After reading the Bulletin's story about Isaac Goslin
and his experience with the Schara Tzedeck cemetery, ("Unidentified
body in plot," Bulletin cover story, Oct. 18) I had
to write and let the community know that I, too, had to deal with
similar issues.
I bought three plots at the cemetery a few years ago, all of them
in a row. After my husband passed away, I accidentally discovered
that the two plots next to his had been previously sold to another
family. Fortunately, they were still living and they agreed to have
their plots relocated. However, it took months for the cemetery
board to resolve the problem. They ignored many of my calls and
I felt very distraught throughout the whole process. I felt this
was a shocking way to treat a widow.
It doesn't appear to me that the Schara Tzedeck cemetery board has
taken steps to make sure that this doesn't happen to someone else.
Therefore, I am writing this letter to the editor to inform and
warn the community anyone who has bought plots at the Schara
Tzedeck should call the cemetery board to make sure that they have
not been relocated without their knowledge. For whatever reasons,
there have been errors made over the years and people should not
wait until a time of grief to find out about them.
(Name withheld)