May 24, 2013
Marc Rozen’s legacy
In the wake of the conviction in March of their 38-year-old son’s killer, Jack and Doreen Rozen are focusing on their son’s legacy of caring and compassion. Part of that legacy is represented by two endowment funds that were established after Marc Rozen’s tragic death – both reflecting how Marc lived his life, working passionately for the vulnerable and the disadvantaged, “to lighten the burden of those in need, especially youth.” One is housed at the Jewish Community Foundation, the other at the West Vancouver Community Foundation. Interest from the funds is distributed annually.
According to Marcie Flom, associate executive director of financial resource management at the Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, to which the JCF is connected, “This year, 2012/2013, the interest from the Marc Rozen Memorial Fund was directed to Vancouver Talmud Torah’s hot lunch program. During the academic school year, the fund provided hot lunch for the children of 15 families in need.”
Community members interested in making a contribution to the Marc Rozen Memorial Fund at the JCF can call 604-257-5100 or e-mail Kany Kuwukurata at [email protected].
“The Marc Rozen Memorial Fund for Youth was established at the West Vancouver Community Foundation in 2004,” explained Susan Beck, the foundation’s financial assistant. “Its general purpose is to assist youth in B.C. and surrounding areas.... The Marc Rozen Memorial Fund for Youth has made many grants in the past eight year.”
She said, “Grantees include the Schizophrenia Society, the Ambleside Youth Centre in two consecutive years, the West Vancouver Youth Band and, most recently, the Children of the Street Society for their Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others [program] in school workshops.”
Community members interested in making a donation to the Marc Rozen Memorial Fund for Youth at the WVCF can mail a cheque (indicating the fund’s name on the memo line) to 775 15th St., West Vancouver, B.C., V7T 2S9. Donations may also be made online via credit card at westvanfoundation.com. The home page has a link, Give Online, in blue on the right-hand side. This link is to another website, CanadaHelps.org. Choose the appropriate fund from the drop-down menu that lists all the funds at the WVCF in alphabetical order. Donations of $25 and above will be acknowledged with a thank you letter and a tax receipt issued in the following month. With any remaining questions, the WVCF office can be reached at 604-922-8153.