March 25, 2011
Celebrating 80 years ...![CP Air's James McKeachie in the Dead Sea](../../images/JWB_1973_Dead Sea.jpg)
Israel was celebrating its 25th birthday in 1973 with a year-long anniversary party. There were many ads in the Jewish Western Bulletin that year promoting travel to Israel, as well as editorial copy and photographs, such as the one featured here.
In the March 23, 1973, issue of the paper, James G. McKeachie of now-defunct Canadian Pacific Air had several photos published. Here, McKeachie is enjoying a “swim” in the Dead Sea, “prov[ing] buoyancy in relaxed fashion at Ein Fashka, near [the] north end of [the] Dead Sea.”
The caption with the photo also read, in part: “Israel has developed such tourist attractions by providing roomy, clean changing buildings with showers and other conveniences, such as picnic areas and restaurants.”