
March 28, 2003
Youth on the right path
Editor: Judaism is alive and flourishing in Vancouver. Last week,
I had the pleasure of attending a debate sponsored for the Jewish
day schools of Greater Vancouver. About 165 young people, from grades
4 to 7 inclusive, participated in this evening. Among them was my
grandson, Benjamin, who is in Grade 5 at Richmond Jewish Day School.
The subjects chosen were varied and exciting and ranged from the
astronaut Ilan Ramon (about 12 kids chose this subject) to celebrating
Chanukah, Jean Chrétien, how Shabbat is celebrated in one
young man's home, what one young woman would do if she were prime
minister of Israel, Jonathan Netanyahu and so forth. One young girl
gave a beautiful speech in very fluent Hebrew.
I can truly say that it was a never-to-be-forgotten evening for
me. At the end of the night, when all the individual winners were
announced, the Wosk Auditorium was filled to capacity and the decorum
was exemplary.
"Kol Hakovod" to the organizers, the judges, the participants
and their families. I sincerely believe that, as long as these types
of evenings continue, we will have no problem keeping our Jewish
youth on the right path to Judaism.
Betty Mintzberg