
March 28, 2003
Thanks for the other point of view
Editor: I think what Deborah Campbell did at the Jewish Community
Centre of Greater Vancouver was important, though perhaps many of
the people in the audience were already well-informed about the
oppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories. Campbell
established her credentials as a responsible journalist with solid
connections and affection for Israel, and spoke with calm reason.
Jews (as do Americans) need to know what our country's (Israel's)
actions and attitudes look like to others, in this case to Palestinians
and to more objective observers like Campbell, the Christian Peacemaker
Project and numerous others, including most progressive groups.
Rather than condemning our media and our institutions when they
attempt to expose the real multiplicity of views, we should be grateful
that alternative voices are being heard, principally through the
Internet and various list-serves. Campbell provided an excellent
list of Mideast information resources and peace activist groups,
including both Jewish and Palestinian, inside and outside Israel.
The Jewish Western Bulletin would do a great service by publishing
this list so readers can better inform themselves. We can no longer
afford ignorance or naiveté. I thank the Peacewalker Society
for presenting this program, and the JCC for housing it.
Bonnie Sherr Klein