June 12, 2009
Peretz's musical celebration
In its 24th Annual Spring Concert last Sunday, July 7, the Vancouver Jewish Folk Choir paid tribute to renowned Yiddish writer Sholem Aleichem (1859-1916). They were joined in concert at the Peretz Centre for Secular Culture by guest artist Beth Israel Cantor Michael Zoosman.
To mark the 150th birthday of Aleichem, the choir performed the cantata "Oyfn Fidl," which is based on an Aleichem story of that name. The tale of a young man who loves fiddle music so much that he keeps missing his Torah classes to hang out with klezmorim – much to his father's dismay – gave soloist Stephen Aberle and narrator David Skulski a chance to show off their ample vocal talent.
The concert began, however, with "In Amerike," a song about Yosl, an immigrant to the New World, in which Janel Snider and Peter Kendall each performed solos, and it was followed by conductor David Millard and Fabiana Katz singing "Chanele" as a duet.
Zoosman started the second half of the concert with a diverse repertoire that included an hysterical version of the Pirates of Penzance song "I am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General," called "I am the Very Model of a Jew that is Conservative." He also joined the choir for its closing number, Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," before which the choir sang Millard's "Yomervkhets," based on Lewis Carroll's poem "Jabberwocky," in which Aberle once again sang the solo.
In all the musical numbers, including the cantor's, choir pianist Elliot Dainow ably provided the – at times very complex – accompaniment.
The Vancouver Jewish Folk Choir, founded by Searle Friedman, has about 15 members, who are sometimes joined in performances by singer Leanne Page. I join the soprano section a few times every year and recommend the group to anyone interested in learning more about Yiddish culture – and singing some really enjoyable but challenging music. The choir is based in the Peretz Centre and anyone interested in checking it can call 604-325-1812 and ask for Donna.