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June 29, 2007

The long journey to Canada

Fifty years on, a Scottish immigrant recalls the ways he adapted.

Mine was certainly no struggle, unless you count my heated argument with the Canadian immigration official on the New York to Montreal train a struggle. It was real enough at the time. But perhaps I should start at the beginning of this particular adventure.

It was 1957, and I had decided to see the New World for two years, gain some experience in the North American livestock feed industry and travel around with my earnings for six months afterwards. I left my home in Glasgow, Scotland, survived the stormy February Atlantic in the Cunard liner Saxonia and landed in Halifax on my birthday – St. David's Day, no less. I was not the only one in the Saxonia. The crossing was so stormy that we were advised not to go on deck, in case we were blown overboard. My three Norwegian cabin mates didn't even venture out of the cabin for four of the five days' crossing, even though they all claimed to be fishermen. I ventured forth because there were so few walking passengers that I was at the captain's table every evening. All the passengers fit quite easily into the first-class dining room. The captain was not feeling too lively, either!

Since there was no extra charge for sailing on to New York, I decided to do so, particularly since the train fare from New York to Winnipeg was cheaper than the fare from Halifax to Winnipeg, because the distance is shorter. In addition, I did not have to endure the cattle train that immigrants were treated to en route from Halifax to Winnipeg.

It was as we were about to cross into Canada that I was confronted by a burly official brandishing a rubber stamp, with which he proposed to desecrate my British passport. I refused. Having just spent two years of compulsory national service in the British army, I thought landed immigrant status, which accepting this stamp would confer on me, would oblige me to serve in Her Majesty's Canadian armed forces for an unspecified period of time. Two years had been a great learning experience, but quite enough. In his best English, with quite a lot of French thrown in for good measure, the not-so-friendly giant convinced me that there was no alternative but to accept his "offer." My sailing experience had taught me that "might is right" and discretion is the better part of valor. It is surprising how much more readily landed immigrant status is accepted nowadays!

My late father had a cousin in Winnipeg, one of whose sons met me at the railway station. We had no trouble identifying each other, due to the strong family resemblance. I didn't know of their existence until five days before I left Glasgow, so the meeting was a real piece of luck and made my introduction to Canadian life very much easier than it would have been, had I not had them to initiate me.

My impression of Canadians, as taught in Scottish schools, was that the country was inhabited by the Scots who survived the battle of Culloden and fled to Canada as the Selkirk Settlers, the French who survived General Wolf and the odd Indian who survived all those cowboy and Indian movies. My first encounter on the train seemed to bear some of this out.

Finding employment was my main objective, with March hardly being the most opportune or hospitable time of year. I was looking for work in the livestock feed industry, since I had majored in livestock nutrition and dairy bacteriology at Glasgow University. I had little trouble finding a really menial job making popsicles at Crescent Creamery, where endurance was the name of the game. In my first week, my take-home pay was as much as my board and room for one entire month. It was big money for me, since I had no other expenses. I walked two miles to work. The beauty of this job was having every Wednesday and one weekend day off, since the creamery had to receive milk every day. While this might have seemed a disadvantage to some, it suited me fine, since I had a weekday free for interviews in the grain and feed industry. After a few weeks, I volunteered to make and tender a batch of ice cream to Dairy Queen, which was accepted for Manitoba that year. This meant I had a much better job at Crescent. When I was offered a job at Canada Packers ShurGain Feed division, the decision to accept was more difficult than I had anticipated.

My initial reaction to Canada was one of acceptance. The weather was never a problem, since I only had myself to look after and the lack of humidity more than compensated for the cold. I did not own a parka or a hat for the first three months and then did not wear them very often. People were all very friendly and trusting. I knew that I was hired quickly and would be fired equally quickly if I did not "work out." Responsibilities and rewards were easy to come by, with the attendant risks.

The opportunities led to 44 years in Saskatoon, designing and managing livestock feed plants, their business, credit and sales staffs. Designing and managing large cattle feedlots were also part of my work and still are, on an international, part-time basis.

Managing a large piggery was another real challenge that I enjoyed. After all, you can breed them, feed them and process them into meat, but you don't have to eat them!

Walter Gumprich is an agrologist. He lives in Vancouver.