A group of United Jewish Appeal men, including Joshua Checov, Vancouver, B.C., 1968.
In an occasional series, the Jewish Independent features a “mystery photo” from the Jewish Western Bulletin Collection at the Jewish Museum and Archives of British Columbia.
The JI is partnering with the museum because we need your help to fill in the gaps that exist in the newspaper’s collection and we want to highlight the importance of documenting community history. So, if you know any of the people in this image or anything about the event depicted, contact the museum at 604-257-5199 or [email protected].
According to museum archivist Jennifer Yuhasz, in the first 12 photographs that have run in the JI, 75 out of a possible 92 people have been identified. Since the series began at the start of 2012, only one photo has had no one identified, the rest have had either everyone identified or everyone except one or two people identified. The most recognized were Vancouver Talmud Torah photos. The best-identified photos were pre-1970.