
July 11, 2003
Two more awards for the JWB
American Jewish Press Association honors its own at annual conference.
The Jewish Western Bulletin garnered two more awards from
the American Jewish Press Association (AJPA) this year. At the annual
AJPA convention in Los Angeles last month, the Bulletin came
away with two of the organization's Simon Rockower Awards
a first place prize for excellence in editorial writing in the division
of newspapers under 15,000 circulation; and second place for
comprehensive coverage or investigative reporting for newspapers
under 15,000.
The AJPA judges demonstrated their appreciation of wit and humor
when awarding the editorial prize, as it was given to the Bulletin
for a spoof editorial in the 2002 Purim issue which commented on
the Bulletin's coverage of community events and issues. On
a more serious note, they recognized Kyle Berger's in-depth reporting
for stories he wrote in December and January about unidentified
bodies found in the Schara Tzedeck cemetery. The bodies were found
in previously purchased plots that were being prepared for new burials.
In previous years, the Bulletin has won Rockower awards for
excellence in comprehensive coverage for a series on AIDS-related
topics; excellence in overall graphic design; and excellence in
commentary for a piece on same-sex marriages by Pat Johnson.
The only other Canadian winner at the AJPA conference, which was
held June 24-27, was the Canadian Jewish News, which won
second place in editorial writing for newspapers over 15,000 circulation.
Founded in 1944 as a voluntary not-for-profit professional association
for the English-language Jewish press in North America, the AJPA
represents almost 200 newspapers, magazines, individual journalists
and affiliated organizations throughout the United States and Canada.