
Jan. 26, 2007
Thank you for reading
If it sometimes feels like writing editorials for the Jewish
Independent is an unappreciated act of self-indulgence, at least
we know someone's reading.
A recent editorial on this page was distributed by the Canada-Palestine
Network. The commentary dealt with the CBC's biased treatment of
the Israel-Palestine conflict and the Canpalnet contributor took
issue with our suggestion that the pogrom against Israel by its
critics bears resemblance to the treatment of Jews by our historical
As usual, rather than giving any thought or introspection to the
possibility that prejudice plays a role in the ferocity of the anti-Israel
movement, critics of our reasoned editorial exhibited the same disquieting
circle-the-wagons rejection that greets any hint of impropriety
on the part of Israel's opponents.
In remarking on our words on the Canpalnet site, a commentator declares:
"The same tired, pathetic mantra from the Zionists; anyone
who dares portray Israel in a negative light, or gives a forum to
those who would, is a vicious anti-Semite."
First, we didn't say vicious, but let's not split hairs. More intriguing
is the afterthought by this contributor, who does more than we could
to prove our point. It has been a mainstay of the anti-Israel movement
to depict any suggestion of bigotry as a plot by the Jews to prevent
criticism of Israel. The writer sees this issue not as a Canadian
cultural community concerned about discrimination, but as a "tack"
used by Zionists to advance their position.
"If they were as smart as they purportedly are," writes
the humanitarian, "Zionists would realize this and try a new
What the writer gives away, perhaps unwittingly, is the underlying
belief that "Zionists" are purportedly "smart."
This is a new one. We always thought it was "Jews" who
were "purportedly" smart.
Unfortunately, the existence of prejudice amid the anti-Israel mobs
is not a "tack." It's a sad fact.