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January 18, 2002

Reptiles rule the planet

Icke's New Age conspiracies are the same old lies.

Jewish newspapers, for obvious reasons, spend more time dealing with conspiracy theorists than do most media, excluding perhaps Jerry Springer and X-Files. Although Jews have been scapegoated throughout history, the modern conspiracy theorist has great interest in things Jewish. Canadian Jews have been faced with a fair share, dealing, as we have, with Jim Keegstra, Ernst Zundel and Doug Collins.

Unfortunately, there is another case at hand, albeit imported from the United Kingdom. David Icke (pronounced "Ike") was a rising star in soccer until he developed arthritis. He became a sports journalist, working at the BBC, among other outlets, and then went on to be a major player in the British Green party, but was thrown out of that organization when he published his first book, outlining the tip of his conspiracy iceberg. Since then, he has developed an apparently successful business publishing conspiracy theories and shopping his ideas around the world on speaking tours. He is (or was, it remains to be seen) scheduled to speak in Vancouver in March, but the Ridge Theatre has cancelled his speech at that venue. (See "Venue backs out on David Icke," in Jan. 18, 2002, archives.)

Like Christian televangelists, the motives of conspiracy theorists are difficult to discern. Perhaps they fervently believe what they preach. Or perhaps they have found a niche for themselves preaching what people want to hear and find it a lucrative undertaking.

Icke seems to have taken his core idea - that earth is controlled by "Illuminati" which are shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptiles - from the pages of the Weekly World News but, aside from that, all of Icke's "ideas" seem to be just a collection of the same lies that have been spread for centuries about Jews, other races, government conspiracies and evil international forces bent on world domination. His philosophy, if it could be called that, is a lazy man's paranoia. He even goes back to the well to haul up the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion which is to conspiracy theories what paint-by- numbers is to art.

He opposes gun control and alleges that mass shootings are a part of the plot to turn people in favor of gun control and, thus, make them more pliable for domination. He has accused the United States government of the Oklahoma City bombing.

Among those Icke deems to be satanic reptiles in human form are Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Queen Mother, Bob Hope and Kris Kristofferson.

He claims all religions were created by Lucifer "in his many forms." In a strange way, Icke may yet prove a unifying figure in the world: he has slagged Christians, Jews and Muslims, among others.

He credits the creation of the state of Israel to a "secret society manipulation" and refers to Israel as "Rothschild-land." Icke claims that the Torah was written by book-burners who manufactured history to suit their ends and invented Moses to cover their tracks.

"This bunch of human-sacrificing, blood-drinking fanatics and black magicians, who you would not trust to tell you the time, compiled the law which Jewish people to this day are supposed to follow," Icke has written. "Other 'laws' have been constantly added or revised since, to cover all eventualities.... They encourage murder and mayhem of every conceivable kind. The Talmud must be the most racist document on Earth."

Icke, in his book ...And the Truth Shall Set You Free (modestly subtitled "The most explosive book of the 20th century," as if Mein Kampf had never been written), called for a reconsideration of the Holocaust.

"Whether people like it or whether they don't, the official version of The Holocaust [Icke's capitalization] cannot avoid this exposure to proper debate for very much longer."

Though he takes particular interest in Jews, Icke's theories cut a very wide swath. According to Icke, the domination of earth has been planned for centuries, but was advanced significantly by Cecil Rhodes, who Icke says was the leader of an Illuminati subgroup called the Round Table and expanded the efforts to Africa. The Rhodes scholarships, which were funded through a legacy after Rhodes' death, are part of the Illuminati's plot because, according to Icke, Oxford University is the "centre of the Illuminati's manipulation of 'education.'"

Once the Rhodes scholars graduate, they return home to advance the sordid cause of the Illuminati, Icke wrote.

"The ratio of these 'Rhodes Scholars' who go back to their countries to enter positions of political, economic and media power is enormous compared with the general student population," according to Icke. "They act as Illuminati agents. The most famous Rhodes scholar in the world today is Bill Clinton, the two-times president of the United States. But while Rhodes was the official front man for the Round Table, the real controllers and funders were, and are, the House of Rothschild, the banking dynasty which is at the heart of so much of the global conspiracy." Immediately, Icke defends his assertion about the Rothschilds with an irrelevant piece of pretzel logic: "This is not an anti-Jewish remark because the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish. The Rothschilds have manipulated Jewish people more than any other!!"

In the same way that proponents of gun control laws are, in Icke's universe, behind the mass shootings that seem to occur with startling regularity, Jews are perversely responsible for everything, including the Holocaust. In his view, those who purport to be Jews are not really Jews at all but rather, variously, Khazars [a national group of Turkic ancestry living north of the Black Sea between the seventh and 10th centuries CE] masquerading as Jews or, of course, reptilian extraterrestrials taking the form of Jews. Either way, that makes it much easier to stomach the explanation that " ... a small Jewish clique which has contempt for the mass of Jewish people worked with non-Jews to create the First World War, the Russian Revolution and the Second World War.

"This Jewish/non-Jewish Elite [sic] used the First World War to secure the Balfour Declaration and the principle of the Jewish state of Israel in Palestine (for which, given the genetic history of most Jewish people, there is absolutely no justification on historical grounds or any other). They then dominated the Versailles Peace Conference and created the circumstances which made the Second World War inevitable. They financed Hitler to power in 1933 and made the funds available for his rearmament."

Though it is tempting to ridicule Icke's science fiction-like ideas and historically moronic theories, thereby dismissing him as a kook, he manages to draw thousands of people to pay good money to hear him speak and to buy his books. Moreover, some of those who have heard him speak say he manages to make these fantastical interpretations seem like common sense.

With a little knowledge and the ability to read, Icke apparently was able to create his masterful business of selling these ideas.

"When I reached the point some years ago where I had put together the structure through which a few people control the direction of the world ... it was clear that this network of secret societies and covert groups manipulating global politics, business, banking, military, media and so on, could not have been put together in a few years or decades. It had to go back a very long time.

"So I began to trace it back into what we call history. I did this in the knowledge that, for some reason, bloodline and genetics were vitally important to these manipulators, the Illuminati or Illuminated ones - illuminated into knowledge that the public never see."

He then summarizes several thousands of years, cross-pollinating biblical stories with various cultural mythologies. The shorthand is that reptilian extraterrestrials have been reshaping themselves in the form of almost everyone who mattered in world history, including the royal families of Europe.

If any of this sounds familiar, Icke essentially admits the sources of his material.

"Movies like They Live, The Arrival (the first, not the sequel) and the U.S. television series, V, tell the story of what is REALLY going on. I urge you to think about watching these movies to get up to speed if you are new to all of this."

Icke's merging of New Age rhetoric with typical anti-Semitic and race-based conspiracies is a new and somewhat deceptive mix. Reports say he is attracting the predictable mix of white supremacists and far-right activists, but he is also succeeding in drawing in sensible people and managing to convince them that he is not completely crazy. Canadian Jewish Congress and the Green party (which apparently is still trying to put distance between themselves and Icke) are concerned enough to be raising alarms over his scheduled appearance.