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January 11, 2002

Give space to other views


Editor: It seems that, whether or not this is your intention, the Bulletin is becoming a virtual forum for the views of extremists on the left, whether or not they are associated with Jews for a Just Peace. I find nothing objectionable in principle in publishing such views, though I strongly disagree with them, provided at least equal space is given to contrasting views. We do not often see articles in the Bulletin representing the views of the right wing in Israel, especially those to the right of the National Unity government. I do not wish to suggest that it is as extreme on the other side as that of Jews for a Just Peace and their ilk, but there is a strongly held and intelligently expressed view in Israel and the Diaspora on the right that goes unrepresented in your pages, and can contribute to the important debate in which we are engaged. I receive such articles on the Internet and can tell you where to find them if you do not know.

William Nicholls