
February 6, 2004
Hussain's explanation lacks
Editor: I see that Mr. Nusrat Hussain, chief editor of the Miracle
who published in his paper that severely anti-Semitic write-up by
Mr. Steele, was allowed space to explain in the Jewish Western
Bulletin. ("Miracle defends controversial article,"
Bulletin, Opinion, Jan. 23)
I would like to state what I felt about the "explanation"
that he gave in the Surrey Leader in the last week of January.
It was the same as in the Bulletin, but he left out some
things he had said in the Leader. [Editor's note: The content
of Hussain's letter likely varied because the editors of the Bulletin
and the Leader edited Hussain's original submission differently,
not because Hussain wrote two different letters.]
In the Leader, Mr. Hussain talked about attempting to communicate
with better understanding and promote love? His ways and thoughts
are strange indeed he did the opposite.
He said to sustain harmony you must bring truth, then in the next
line he said Mr. Steele told "lies." In the next breath,
he said we must have freedom of speech so that truth can be told.
Again, I say that is strange thinking.
Mr. Hussain said he expected Jews and Muslims to give a response
in a "befitting" manner. There is no "befitting"
manner of response to a bitter, abusive criticism or denunciation
(the dictionary calls this diatribe).
But the most insane excuse that Mr. Hussain gave was that he had
not given "one iota of thought to what the outcome would be"
when he published this despicable article of Steele's.
You, Mr. Hussain, talk about promoting love (although your actions
did the opposite) and I know that if the shoe were on the other
foot, the situation reversed, you would be outraged at the treatment
you were receiving.
Laureen Moe, member of the
Jewish-Christian Friendship Circle