February 14, 2003
Author clarifies views
Editor: According to Mr. Jack Chivo (Bulletin Letters, Feb.
7), I am not someone the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver
(JCC), where I once worked, ought to be hosting. Mr. Chivo, whose
misspelling of the title of my book assures me that he has not read
it, nevertheless feels compelled to define me as an "openly
pro-Arab propagandist." Such a serious charge would come as
news to informed sources such as the Globe and Mail, which
called my book "admirably nonjudgmental." Furthermore,
in a review published in the Edmonton Jewish News, readers
were told that This Heated Place: Encounters in the Promised
Land is an "unforgettable account of the Middle East juncture"
that "doesn't just deserve to be read, it needs to be read."
Clearly, as I show in the book, viewpoints about the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict are far from homogeneous. Jewish readers are among those
who write to thank me for giving voice to so many perspectives,
for allowing them to see the situation from a variety of angles
in a manner as colorful as the region itself. As the Edmonton
Jewish News phrased it: "This Heated Place is a
riveting non-fiction tale about the hardship and perils of life
in Israel, where the author's candid, on-the-spot interviews with
various segments of the population help to bring clarification to
a situation often muddied by bias and misunderstanding." I
look forward to doing the same on March 20 at the JCC, by invitation
of the Peace Walker Society.
Deborah Campbell