February 1, 2002
Israel must survive
Editor: It is hard to believe that some Jews were so manipulated
by a few individuals who themselves have become pawns of militant
Arab/Islamic doctrine - so much so that they demand the dismantling
of the Jewish character of the state of Israel.
Almost every country in the world has its own character. Try to
tell the French or the Germans to surrender their national character,
or the Swedes, Finns or Russians. Jordan is a country created in
the same time span as Israel, ask them to give up their Jordanian
character or religious orientation. At the very least, those calling
for that would be barred forever from entering the country, but
Israel will forgive and even welcome them to their land. So, why
do the Jews have no right to have their state with the "Jewish
character"? Have they not made an impact on world civilization,
disproportionately to their numbers?
I challenge those individuals to corroborate more convincingly their
reasons for such an attitude toward an identifiable group of people.
While appeasing the intent of their handlers, they still claim to
be "Jewish."
For centuries, the Jewish people were stateless, deprived, discriminated
against, persecuted and slaughtered by anti-Semitic prejudice. After
the Holocaust, and with the establishment of the state of Israel,
that situation significantly improved. However, as the famous Irish
diplomat and writer, Conor Cruise O'Brien, said, "Anti-Semitism
is a light sleeper." Last summer in Durban, it showed its ugly
face again, on a big scale, and so-called "Jews" were
playing into the hand of those who hate everything and everyone
What the new/old racists want is for Jews to become homeless so
attacks could be launched with little possibility of protection.
They want the Jews to become defenceless and vulnerable again but
they cannot do it without destroying Israel. In a twist of events,
their interest coincides with the Arabs who want nothing less than
full destruction of Israel. The third party in this vicious play
proclaims to be "Jewish." However, I think that many of
them are camouflaged under the Jewish individuals who create an
appearance that Jews are in their corner too, to give their goal
more legitimacy. There are a small number of individuals
considering themselves ethnically Jews who are in the same gang.
They are simply cowards because such behavior is not a simple difference
of opinions, but it is an incitement against Jewish people. Our
strong resistance to them is a matter of survival for one of the
oldest nations on earth.
If Jews are to survive in history, Israel must survive and be strong.
The questions of territory and the Jewish character of the state
are crucial. Less territory means a bigger danger of destruction,
therefore, the concept of "land for peace," as we learned
recently, is wrong. "Peace for peace" makes much more
While the absolute majority supports Israel in a big way, some differences
of opinion are inevitable. What is vital is to differentiate between
lies, propaganda and reality, and not to jump on the wrong platform
and not to harm ourselves. The fate of the Jews and Israel is inseparable.
Ted Lew