December 6, 2002
A couple of corrections
Editor: I am writing in response to your recent editorial "Time
to close Concordia." (Bulletin, Nov. 22)
While I fully support the general thrust of this thoughtful piece,
and join you in welcoming the recent decision of the Concordia administration
to lift the ban on free speech, I must correct a couple of errors
in the editorial. You suggest that the ban challenged by Libby Davies
and myself was imposed as a result of an arrangement between the
administration and student representatives. This was not the case.
In fact, the student body strongly challenged the ban. As well,
the university senate voted to oppose the ban. It was the corporate-dominated
board of the university that imposed this unprecedented gag order.
I have noted that even at the University of Haifa, no such draconian
measure was ever imposed.
I must also correct your suggestion that I have not condemned the
terrorist suicide bombers with equal vigor to my condemnations of
the state terrorism of the Sharon government. This is simply false.
Indeed, I have strongly condemned these appalling attacks in Israel,
Palestine, Iraq and Canada. The killing of innocent civilians on
both sides is an outrage and it must stop. I believe that the only
hope of achieving this is for Israel to end the occupation, dismantle
the settlements and live in secure and peaceful co-existence with
a Palestinian state. A growing number of Israelis are coming to
the same conclusion. I hope that their voices will be heard in the
coming Israeli elections.
Svend Robinson, MP