August 22, 2003
Bulletin should give it a rest
Editor: The artist Carel Moiseiwitsch probably has had her wildest
dreams fulfilled with all the attention that her exhibition has
received from the Bulletin. And what did you expect the administrator
of this out-of-the-way gallery to say? "Yes, we know the show
is anti-Israel and we are also pro-Palestinian, so are pleased to
hang it."? Of course she needed to be discreet with the public
funding of the gallery. And what about the chapbook? You have published
an example of the schmutz (dirt) that no newspaper of note
would do.
Give it a rest. Artists get notions and include them in their art.
Curators can and do make editorial decisions. Ignore it. Don't write
about it any more and, certainly, don't go and see it. There are
far more important issues to deal with during these difficult times.
Nomi Kaplan and Jerry Growe