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April 11, 2014

Springtime frogs for Pesach


In anticipation of the Jewish holiday of Passover, Curly Orli and I are making cute froggies. It is true that frogs were one of the Ten Plagues, but frogs are also believed to be the bringers of spring! These days, they are happily hopping around in parks and forests after a long winter slumber. Now, you can have one of them at home ... a Plasticine one, that is.

Plasticine frog project 1

1. Prepare green Plasticine. Separate it into pieces for different body parts: eyes, head, torso and two pairs of legs.

2. Using white and blue Plasticine, make eyes. With the help of a toothpick, make a nose by poking two holes, then a mouth and, finally, add a red tongue.

3. From earlier prepared pieces, let’s make a lower part of the body and legs. Attach them together.

4. Connect upper and lower body. The froggy is ready!!!

Plasticine frog project 2

5-6. Our froggy is festive and joyous, so let’s give him a beautiful flower. We can make petals from various small and round colorful Plasticine pieces by making them pointy at the end.

7. Let’s add petals to the flower and connect them to the stem.

8. Now, we will give this flower to the froggy. Our creation is complete.

Plasticine frog project 3

Happy Passover to all the readers of the Jewish Independent! We wish you peace, joy and new creative adventures.

Lana Lagoonca is a graphic designer, author and illustrator. At, you will find more free lessons, along with information about Curly Orli merchandise.
