
April 18, 2008
Celebrate redemption
This is a Pesach unlike any other. This Passover, as we celebrate the ancient escape from bondage and oppression, we are also gearing up to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the state of Israel.
It is easy to focus on the negative, and there is no value in going through life with rose-tinted glasses, but the reality of modern Israel is no less a miracle than those sensational phenomena that led to the escape from Pharaoh's repression.
As Herb Keinon, correspondent for the Jerusalem Post who spoke here last week, reminded the audience – including one Vancouverite who had just survived a terrorist machine gunning in Sderot – Israel is doing just fine. There is always cause for concern and vigilance, but, as Keinon put it, the sky is not falling. In spite of everything, Israel is truly a light unto the nations. A country that did not exist 61 years ago is now a world leader in academic research in a panorama of subjects, an incubator of innovation and a testament to cultural regeneration unprecedented in the world.
The Passover story is one that speaks to both the spiritual and the national liberation of our people. Through the intervention of Hashem the ancients escaped and crossed the parting sea, eventually to receive the wisdom of the ages at Sinai and national redemption.
Through the meaningful annual routines of the seders we relive and commemorate the ancient redemption of the Hebrew people. A few weeks on, we will celebrate the modern redemption.