
April 9, 2004
No terrorist is safe
Editor: I would like to comment on the editorial "Shed no
tears for Yassin." (Bulletin, March 26) I agree totally
with the view expressed in this editorial and would like to add
a couple of things:
First, I don't like the word "assassination" when referring
to terrorist leaders who are eliminated the way Yassin was. My English
vocabulary is rather limited but in Spanish it would be called "ajusticiar"
(meaning "to make justice by killing somebody who deserves
to die"). I don't know the English equivalent but I think the
word "assassinate" suits more what the terrorists do.
Second, since the elimination of Yassin, the leaders of Hamas, Hezbollah,
Al Aqsa and the rest their bunch, are getting to taste their own
medicine. If they want to make the civilized and democratic world
live in terror, I hope that after the Israeli government announced
that no terrorist leader is safe, they are going to know how it
feels to be always under the menace.
And one more thing, I hope the American people will not follow the
footsteps of the Spaniards, with all that Richard Clarke has said.
If they were to withdraw their support for George Bush on election
day, it could be sending a wrong signal to Al-Qaida et al.
Name Withheld