April 4, 2003
For your edification
Editor: The vitriolic, ad hominem responses to my letter ("An
exercise in propaganda," Bulletin, March 14) are sadly
typical of the Zionist mentality, especially in the use of the cowardly
slur "anti-Semitic."
Arabs are also a Semitic people, but the Zionist Jews who humiliate
and terrorize them are not called "anti-Semitic." Only
those who expose the false equation of Zionism with Judaism and
criticize the Zionist entity earn the right to be libelled in that
For the edification of Henry Sporn, Bill Gruenthal and Toby Nadler:
UN Resolution 181 (The Partition Plan) was not binding, and
was in the process of being rescinded when Israel was proclaimed.
Only internal procedural General Assembly resolutions are binding.
[See statement at www.yale.edu/lawweb/avalon/decade/decad166.htm.]
Greg Felton
New Westminster