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April 4, 2003

The Bulletin's letters policy

In light of recent discussions on our Letters page, we have decided to publish the policy we follow when deciding which letters to print.

1. All letters should contain the writer's full name, address and day and evening telephone numbers. Anonymous or pseudonymous letters will not be considered for publication. Upon request, names will be withheld at the discretion of the editor.

2. Priority for publication is first extended to members of the British Columbia Jewish community, then to members of the British Columbia regional community. Form letters or mass mailings will not be published. The submission of a letter is no guarantee of publication. Once submitted, all letters become the property of the Jewish Western Bulletin. The publisher, in consultation with the editor, reserves the right to exercise absolute discretion when selecting letters for printing.

3. All letters are subject to editing for length, tone, grammar and conformity to Canadian Press style. Letters containing special requests or instructions for editing – including, but not limited to, demands that letters be published in their entirety or not at all – will not be considered for publication.

4. Letters should be limited to approximately 250 words. Longer letters will only be accepted at the editor's discretion.

5. The Jewish Western Bulletin does not discriminate based on the views expressed in letters. However, letters containing obvious factual inaccuracies, unattributed facts and quotes, unsubstantiated allegations of wrongdoing, insulting comments or libelous or slanderous statements will not be printed. Responses to writers or columnists that contain demeaning personal comments will not be printed.

6. When considering which letters to publish, the Jewish Western Bulletin will be guided by the traditional news values, including timeliness, relevance and interest. Generally, letters responding to an article or editorial will not be printed more than two issues after the publication of the original material.

7. The Letters to the Editor section is not a battleground for repeated arguing between opposing parties. Rebuttals are welcome; successive volleys are not. No more than two letters by a single writer on a specific topic will be published, except at the editor's discretion.

8. Letters to the editor will be printed whenever, in the editor's judgment, enough eligible letters have accumulated to fill the page and no other story of greater relevance needs to be placed in that spot.

9. Letters to the editor that contain hate speech, that call directly for the destruction of the state of Israel or that seek to convert Jews to another religion will not be published.