
April 4, 2003
Burquest seeks support
The Burquest Jewish Community Association (BJCA) hopes to raise
almost half a million dollars in its 2003 capital campaign.
While the Burquest community is relatively small some 80
families its membership is growing. Founded in 1973, the
BJCA serves the Jewish population of Burnaby, New Westminster, Port
Moody, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and other outlying areas. It recently
opened a new synagogue and community centre, and the community has
selected the name Congregation Sha'arei Mizrah (Gates of
the East).
Last week, the Jewish Community Centre of Greater Vancouver (JCC)
hosted the celebration of the BJCA's capital campaign.
"It's wonderful to see new centres springing up," said
Gerry Zipursky, JCC executive director, who described the community
centres across Canada as "one large family" that needs
to "work together, more than ever."
Mark Gurvis, executive director of the Jewish Federation of Greater
Vancouver, also spoke of the need to work together, in order to
prevent the B.C. Jewish community from becoming fragmented as it
becomes more spread out geographically. Robert Devlin, campaign
chair, gave attendees an overview of Burquest, and the increasing
number of religious, social, cultural and educational activities
that the community provides.
The goal of the BJCA campaign is to raise $450,000. People may contribute
to the mortgage, the endowment fund, an elevator, assistive listening
device systems for hard-of-hearing members, a surveillance/security
system, a fence, adult programming, the Hebrew school, books for
the library, youth activities, a summer camp, a part-time community
programmer or a theatre system.
Reesa Devlin, BJCA president, announced at the JCC reception that
Rabbi Yosef Wosk has started things off by contributing a total
of $20,000 to the endowment and building funds.
Donations may be made to the BJCA at P.O. Box 52552, #1136-2929
Barnet Hwy., Coquitlam, B.C., V3B 7J4. For more information, call
604-552-7221 or e-mail [email protected].