April 13, 2001
Israel trying to break Palestinians
While Pesach is a time to celebrate our own liberation from slavery
in Egypt centuries ago, it is also a good time to reflect on the
striking parallel with the situation of the Palestinians today,
who are under a cruel occupation by the state of Israel.
Since the election of the Sharon government, the escalating conflict
has resulted in a relentless campaign of repression and violation
of human rights in the West Bank and Gaza with collective punishment
being the norm. To say that these Palestinian lands are under siege
is no exaggeration ("Sealing off humanity," Bulletin,
March 23). Home demolitions have increased in the last few weeks.
According to Rabbi Arik Ascherman of Rabbis for Human Rights in
Israel, "All in all, 15 homes were demolished by the Civil
Administration [last week] in Anata, the Issawiya area and Hebron."
The home of Salim Shawamreh, who spoke at a public meeting in Vancouver
in February, was demolished for the third time. Rabbi Ascherman,
along with other Israeli Jews, was arrested while attempting to
prevent the bulldozing of Shawamreh's home. All this injustice is
taking place against a backdrop of expansion of settler housing
in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.
Trees are being uprooted as a regular practice and Rabbi Ascherman
reports the uprooting of 1,500 trees in Dir Istya alone, thus undercutting
the Palestinians' ability to earn a livelihood and resulting in
mass hunger. Medical clinics have also been demolished, thus denying
medical care to innocent civilians - children and the elderly among
Settlers in Hebron have been inflicting pogroms on innocent Palestinians
in retaliation for the murder of a baby by one gunman, while the
murder of Palestinian children by settlers goes largely unreported
in the mainstream media in Israel and elsewhere.
I can only conclude that - with a wink and a nod from U.S. President
George W. Bush - the Sharon government is attempting to break the
Palestinian resistance completely, thus attempting to force them
to accept a mini-state controlled by Israel.
We Jews need to ask ourselves why the Sharon government rejects
calls by Palestinians, other nations and international human rights
organizations around the world for an international peace-keeping
force in the West Bank and Gaza. What are they trying to hide?
Yom Shamash
Steering committee member, Jews for a Just Peace Vancouver