Moishe New makes a point while Rabbi Yitzchak Wineberg and other attendees listen. (photo by Lior Noyman Productions)

On June 21, more than 200 people came to King David High School to hear Rabbi David Aaron, founder and dean of the Isralight Institute on Awakening to Your Divine Purpose, and Rabbi Moshe New, director of the Montreal Torah Centre, at Evening of Inspiration and Connection, which also featured music by Itamar Erez and Liron Man. The farbrengen was held in honor of the 22nd yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, which this year is observed July 8-9 (3 Tammuz). The June event was co-hosted by Chabad Lubavitch BC and the Ohel Ya’akov Community Kollel, and more photographs can be found on both groups’ Facebook pages, and, respectively.