Steve and Eve Save the Planet is an illustrated graphic novel series that tries to address the challenges of this climate-change era while inspiring children with adventure, laughter and hope. The project is the creation of authors Paul Shore and Deborah Katz Henriquez, and illustrator Prashant Miranda.
In the first book in the series, I Can Hear Your Heart Beep, readers will be introduced to Steve, a kooky polar bear with a magical power gifted to him by the Northern Lights, and Eve, a feisty electric car who wants to change the world. The 200-page illustrated work-of-art will be available to pre-order from Amazon in paperback, hardcover and ebook formats as of Feb. 14, and the book launch will take place on Feb. 25, 1 p.m., at Arts Umbrella on Granville Island.
Parents or their kids can sign up to Planet Hero Kids at to follow Steve and Eve as their adventures begin to unfold.
– Courtesy Planet Hero Kids