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January 18, 2002

More honest approach


Editor: The article "Slant at SFU Worries Jews" (Bulletin, Dec. 14) quotes Gabe Meranda, director of Hillel UBC, and Elliot Campbell, president of Hillel SFU, as objecting to anti-Israel propaganda in the student newspaper, The Peak. Mr. Meranda accuses The Peak of propagating lies.

As a Jew who is critical of Israel, I happen to agree with the observations of Chuck Demers, opinions editor of The Peak (quoted in the same Bulletin article), after his visit to the occupied West Bank: "I saw occupation, dispossession [of Palestinians] and destruction. I didn't see a peace process." Many Jews, rabbis and others, of varied backgrounds and nationalities (including Israelis) agree with Mr. Demers. To brand us "anti-Israel" is ridiculous.

Jewish critics of Israel don't believe that Israel's actions are in its own best interests. We believe that occupying Palestinian territory with no visible intention of pulling out (Jewish settlements are increasing in number and size) is harmful to Israel. It is in Israel's best interest to live in peace and equal partnership with its neighbors, the Palestinians, and that means that Palestinians must have self-determination and their own state, free from Jewish settlements protected by the IDF. This is what will end the violence on both sides and bring peace to the region. You can learn more about the many Jewish organizations that share this point of view by visiting

If Mr. Campbell and Mr. Meranda believe Mr. Demers' observations to be lies, the onus is on them to debate the issues. What precisely do they think Mr. Demers is lying about? Mr. Campbell and Mr. Meranda have resorted to baiting, a common phenomenon in the Jewish community on the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Instead of accusing your opponents of propaganda and lying, and trying to silence them, challenge criticisms of Israel with your own interpretation of events. This would be a more honest approach.

Carol Stone